Friday, December 31, 2010

recap: 2010

2010......where to begin? it has been a crazy but wonderful year! i am so grateful for what the Lord has blessed me with this year. i am now married to the most amazing and spirit filled man i know :)

we have both gained amazing families!

and we are continually blessed with great friends!

the mr and i are so blessed to be healthy, in love, surrounded by people that encourage us, have an amazing church to worship at and a God and Savior that love us unconditionally. thank you all so much for constantly pouring in to each of us so much! happy 2010 and bring it on 2011! 


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

because it's wednesday!

wow. that is the only word to describe these two :) the mr. and i have become great friends with robert and april over the past few months and of course fell in love with how sweet they are! they had their xmas pics taken right before the holiday and i have been waiting to share these beautiful pics by their friend caroline!
april is an artist as well, check out her stuff, worship artist

(all images via

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

under the weather

woke up this morning feeling pretty under the weather. spent the afternoon trying to sleep it off. needless to say, didn't quite work. going to try and push through it with some french press and mint truffle creamer. i'll be back tomorrow with something awesome. but while i'm sitting here, watching bones and waiting on the mr. to bring home some dinner....why don't you check out one of my daily must reads: from portland to peonies! Liz writes a blog i followed throughout my engagement (because she was getting married as well) and i continue to follow because well, she has plenty of pretty things to look at :)

also, my mr. has an awesome blog for today. check it out

Monday, December 27, 2010

obession of the week: my birthstone, but better!

happy 2nd day after christmas! it was a fun filled weekend with tons of food, family and snow! yes, snow! in charleston, sc! ok, so maybe it was the day after christmas but that is close enough for me ....and i'm sure my fellow charlestonians.... to say we had a white christmas! while i was gone i did miss this little blog, but i loved having nothing to do but get up and grab some party trash (yummy chex mix my mom-in-law makes) and a mimosa :) that's how we do it in our family! 

ok, now on to my obsession of the week....but since it's my birthstone....i can call it my obsession of forever! it's beautiful and i have really fallen in love with it. i love jewelry. sure. most girls i know do. but this, this has taken a special place in my heart. normally i was never that obsessed with my birthstone. until recently i found out that there are different colors of garnet. WHAT?! almost 23 years old and no one has ever mentioned this to me? 

here it is, my obsession, black garnet ring!

isn't it stunning? 
i am so thrilled that i have discovered this!